No More Empty Seats

Whether planning a new or a well-established event, be it a local seminar or large international conference, or a niche training course, the challenge of getting people through the door is the biggest thing that that keeps organiser’s awake at night.
You may have a list of people that have previously been invited and/or attended, but is it accurate and extensive? From a B2B perspective have you kept track of those who have moved company, switched roles, the new people that have joined the profession and those who have simply left the business? And in the consumer world have you considered the significant lifestyle triggers and events, along with name and address changes?
The traditional approach is to buy-in data, but a common issue is that once it has been cross-referenced against the existing database there is a realisation that a significant amount of money has been spent paying for data that is already present. Then there is the small matter of ensuring compliance with the latest data protection regulation.
Put simply, when a marketer approaches Integra regarding an event, conference, exhibitor, training course, charity dinner or an awards ceremony they are planning, they work together to create a very specific profile of the type of delegate they wish to attract.
The Integra team then casts it net far and wide using only trusted and compliant global data suppliers they work with, to shortlist the required delegate data (typically email addresses and telephone numbers). This is the point at which many list brokers will stop, however, Integra collate all the data and de-duplicate records (crucially this includes against the client’s own database). This results in the client only paying for the records they need, making it not only far more cost efficient than the straight purchase of a list, but also more effective in terms of results generated.
Clients are able to lean on Integra’s 30 + years of experience and consultation across projects which will ensure they are selecting the right job roles and industries aligned to what they know works – adding to that they are able to tap into their skillset in predictive analytics to enhance ROI.
Once you have this ‘master’ database you can even go further and append more insight to each record that, which will facilitate highly personalised invitations and communications that will increase the likelihood of great conversions.
Call today to speak with one of our consultants on 020 3369 0130
Let’s work together on your next project
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